51st Digital Dialogue – Digital Assistance Systems at the workplace: From Vision to Mission

12 October 2017

Digital Assistance Systems, supporting the employees’ work selectively, are already used in practise by many companies and have thus become reality.

An increasing number of companies are using digital applications to make their processes more efficient and to reduce down-times.

Solutions and systems which are currently used, will be presented by styrian IT experts in the course of 51st Digital Dialogue.

When? Tuesday, 24 October 2017 l Start 16:00
Where? IBC Graz (Hotel Ramada), Seering 10, 8141 Premstätten

If you want to be part o fit, please register here! (the event is, of course, free of charge)
Download program.

51. Digitaldialog - Digitale Assistenz am Arbeitsplatz: From Vision to Mission