Digital – Intelligent – Unique: Attributes of Industry 4.0

08 October 2014

Building on the series of “enabling space” events the upcoming session, held on 30 October, will focus on the key elements of Industry 4.0:

    • DIGITAL: The merging of industrial production with modern information- and communication technologies.
    • INTELLIGENT: Smart & Connected – Intelligent machines, tools and raw materials, which communicate with each other.
    • UNIQE: Producing a lot size of 1 – a product tailored individually to the needs of clients.


Main aim of “enabling space” is to create a space where knowledge generation is supported: Participants have the chance to enter into dialogue with experts, enhance their network and collect valuable information on future technologies.

The event will take place on 30 October from 5 to 7:30 pm at AT&S, Leoben. You can register for the event until 27 October. Participation is free of charge.

In order to register for the event and to download the full programme please follow this link: Industry 4.0 – Digital, Intelligent, Unique

Digital – Intelligent – Einzigartig: DIE Attribute der Industrie 4.0