CARE4TECH – CARE4TECH Cross-sectoral Alliances for Smart Living

02 March 2017


CARE4TECH project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme in the amount of 1.425.919,42 EUR.

CARE4TECH combines 2020 research agenda technology oriented principles & goals in the field of Smart Living technologies with quadruple helix multilevel policy oriented approach.

Smart living technologies are becoming the core topics for Alpine Space based leading technology providers. The Alpine space weaknesses prevent the area to become a leading destination for excellence in this field. As identified in EUSALP, it is of crucial importance that available research capacity and innovation leaders are better bundled in the AS innovation landscape and R&I capacity and results are better transferred into practice. CARE4TECH transforms available AS research into a stable EU leading knowledge development arena leading to better cooperation between all quadruple helix actors.

Main project results are:

  1. Alpine space BRAIN BASE – Map of leading cases and approaches classified in a Knowledge Atlas
  2. Alpine Space ALLIANCES – Thematic excellences grouped to cooperate
  3. Alpine Space TASK FORCES and ALPINE CAMPUS- Supported by quadruple helix based teams to jointly learn and innovate through a living lab based learning system
  4.  Alpine space THINK THANK – Set up of a permanent policy and stakeholders platform linked to EU initiatives to fully exploit outputs and their technological strategic potential Partners’ role (optional) and contact

CARE4TECH – CARE4TECH Cross-sectoral Alliances for Smart Living