26. Digitaldialog: Industry 4.0 – On the Way to the Future of Manufatcuring

15 September 2014

The fourth industrial revolution, shaped under the heading Industry 4.0, means the further penetration of information technologies in industrial production processes. Corresponding to the main idea of Industry 4.0 humans, machines and resources in the future of manufacturing will communicate with each other just as naturally as in social networks. The interplay between self-learning machines and self-optimizing automation processes will on the one hand influence working life and on the other hand open doors to new and enriching possibilities.

Which challenges and opportunities therefore arise for the industrial sector and what the fourth industrial revolution means for staff working in smart factories will be discussed by experts from science and economy in the course of the 26th Digitaldialog on 30 September.

Download the full programme: Digitaldialog - Industrie 4.0

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26. Digitaldialog: Industrie 4.0 – Auf (dem Weg) zur Produktion der Zukunft