evolaris participates at the ICT 2013 “Create, Connect, Grow”

11 November 2013

Within the largest European conference on information- and communication technologies organised by the European Commission evolaris had the chance to present its project proposals to a high-level audience.

From November 6 to 8 the ICT 2013 “Create, Connect, Grow” gathered 5000 researchers, business representatives and digital strategists in Vilnius, Lithuania, to discuss challenges of the European ICT-politics.

During several face-to-face meetings and networking sessions evolaris employee Rafael Michalczuk presented the proposal for the pan-European project „Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) - B2B Integration based on Core Information Model“, which is developed by 12 European science partners under the lead of evolaris.
The ultimate goal is to create a digital business ecosystem (DBE), which will enable especially SMEs in the Baltic Sea Region and the Danube Region to engage in user-centric open innovation and network innovation activities to create customer value, based on new platforms for fast service deployment.

Furthermore valuable information in the field of Internet of Everything, Industry 4.0 and Connected Life was collected in the course of the conference and contacts for possible collaborations within Horizon 2020, the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the years 2014-2020, were generated.

evolaris bei der ICT 2013 „Create, Connect, Grow“