Explore Smart Glasses at the Vienna Science Festival 2015!

07 August 2015

Starting on 12 September it’s time again - the Vienna Science Festival will take place for the fourth time and invites visitors to experience research and innovation up close.

Main topic of this year’s Science Festival is “From Science to Products”. Visitors will have the chance to experience science in a vivid and physical way. Besides the exciting “hands-on”-exhibition, the Science Festival will provide interesting workshops as well as a programme exclusively for children.

evolaris will take part in the festival and present smart glass solutions for the sports- and industry sector. Guests visiting our stand will have the unique opportunity to experience several smart glass models and solutions, such as “Smart Ski Goggles”, Google Glass, Recon Jet etc., themselves.

Whereas on Friday (11.09.) and Monday (14.09.) the Festival will be open for schools only, the event is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. The entrance is for free!

You will find further information about the Vienna Science Festival by following this link: Science Festival Programme

Erkunde Datenbrillen beim Wiener Forschungsfest 2015!