Consuming Daily Newspapers based on Beacons and Mobile App

03 February 2015

Within a cooperative research project together with Kleine Zeitung a use case in the context of media reception is being tested based on the beacons technology.

A so called “beacon” is a small sized Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitter which is able to send signals within a radius of about 15 meters. The beacon technology allows mobile apps to deliver hyper-contextual content to smartphones based on location.

In this specific project it works like this: If a user enters one of the partner companies in Graz he will be noticed via mobile app that the daily version of the newspaper Kleine Zeitung can be consumed for free on his personal smartphone or tablet. In addition to the newspaper service a voucher service is also being tested. Also in this case the user receives a message via the mobile app that a voucher can be redeemed at the location where he is at the time. If the user leaves the transmission range of the beacon, the newspaper as well as vouchers, are not available any longer.

A list with participating partner companies is added as image below the text. The application is supported by iPhones (4s-5s) and iPads (3-5) starting at iOS version 7.

In order to download the app just follow this link: Consuming daily newspapers

Mittels Beacon und App zur aktuellen Ausgabe der Kleinen Zeitung