ServTec 2015 – Digital Assistance Systems for SMEs and Industry 4.0

03 March 2015

On 19 March 2015 the expert’s forum for innovative services and technologies “ServTec Austria”, organised by evolaris in cooperation with Campus 02, will take place for the fifth time.

During the last four years ServTec Austria has proved to be a successful format for the transfer of knowledge regarding the implementation of innovative technologies for optimizing business processes.

During this year´s half-day conference theoretical and practical know-how around the topic “Digital Assistance Systems for SMEs and Industry 4.0” will be shared and discussed with participants. The keynote will be held by Prof. Alfred Katzenbach – Executive Consultant at Daimler.

After a scientific debate about the factory of the future, local companies will present prototypical solutions which are currently tested.

In order to download the full programme please follow this link: Programme ServTec 2015

The conference will take place at the Europasaal at Körblergasse 111 in 8010 Graz.

If you have any questions about the event please do not hesitate to contact me via

In order to register for the conference please click here!

ServTec 2015 – Digitale Assistenzsysteme für KMU und Industrie 4.0