Enabling urban mobility through open innovation and Co-Creation

31 October 2013

During a workshop held on October 28 interested participants from the private and public sector received practical insights into how open innovation and co-creation can optimize the innovation process.

Numerous participants from the private and public sector came together at a workshop organized by evolaris in cooperation with Austria Tech on October 28, to share their experiences regarding open innovation. New possibilities to shape open innovation processes through co-creation and the use of living labs were presented and explicitly discussed.

Within her keynote Ana Garcia Robles from the European Network of Living Labs (EnOLL) primarily focused the role of public institutions in designing Smart Cities and shared valuable experiences gained from current projects on EU level. In the course of the midmorning agenda speakers from AustriaTech, Campus 02 and evolaris presented concepts, action schemata and experience values based on practical open innovation processes. Within round-tables actual challenges and possible solutions especially affecting start-ups developing services regarding urban mobility were discussed.

During the afternoon sessions attendants were encouraged to actively engage within several working-groups. Based on the example of an accessible mobility service, approaches on how co-creation, sustainability and evaluation can be ensured were discussed. At the end of the event requirements in connection with the development of urban mobility services which must be met by Living Labs were particularly emphasised.

The keynote presentation can be downloaded here!

Urbane Mobilität durch Open Innovation und Co-Creation fördern