
Exploring the Styrian staterooms with your own smartphone

17 September 2014

The Styrian state parliament based in the so called “Landhaus”, one of Styria’s most impressive historical Renaissance building, is highly admired by locals as well as tourists. Many people know the inner courtyard of the building whereas only little ever got to see the stunning state rooms. In order to make this rooms accessible also outside the designated opening hours evolaris installed a so called evoCube in the passage between the inner court yard and Herrengasse which provides relevant information about the state parliament itself and a 360° virtual tour through the rooms.

Interested visitors can draw the information and enjoy the virtual tour using their own smartphone or tablet by simply scanning the QR-code on the cube or using the NFC function of their device. When moving the device up and down or left and right the picture on the screen moves along which automatically evokes the feeling of being inside the rooms. Additional information regarding certain rooms and paintings can also be retrieved by simply clicking on them.

Apart from the virtual tour, which is placed on one side of the cube, a welcome video message from the President of the state parliament, a link to the homepage, information material and the State Parliament-App fill the other sides.
If someone is visiting a parliamentary meeting he/she can download the seating and the agenda via a second evoCube which is installed inside the building.

The evoCube solution we developed enables flexible and unlimited content change on backend side via the web. In order to be able to track the amount of interactions and to analyse the popularity of respective content an evaluation feature is also part of the evoCube solution we devolped.

Martin Schober
+43 664 628 7251
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