It often takes a long way from an idea to the innovation. We process relevant information, identify innovation impulses in joint workshops and draw up recommendations for actions for downstream processes.
Currently you can chose from the following workshop offers:
1) Industry 4.0
- Taking the right steps!
In the factories of the future a new range of possibilities will appear based on the affiliation of real production processes with the virtual world. With a focus on digital-assistance systems we can support your company in optimizing processes in the production and service area and help you in keeping up with the technological evolution ahead of us.
Workshop content:
- Profound introduction into the topic Industry 4.0
- Technical possibilities and application scenarios
- Potentials based on the intelligent networking of industrial plants, IT-systems and work pieces
- Illustration of the future work place and processes
- Consequences for employees of different ages
- Options for the integration of HMIs and front ends of the next generation
- Collaborative work sessions for generation ideas regarding application scenarios within your company
- Assessment and evaluation of ideas
Workshop goals:
- Identification of consequences of Industry 4.0 for your company
- Jointly developing a “next steps”-guide
- Deriving specific measures and recommendations
- Evaluation of the potential regarding the fields of application defined
2) Smart Glasses
--in your company!
At the very moment, data glasses revolutionise the way employees in various sectors such as production, service, logistics and training interact with relevant information. As a centre of excellence with a focus on mobile innovation we advise companies regarding a profitable implementation of new technologies, conceptualise customised overall solutions and develop corresponding software solutions. You now have the possibility to profit from our competences and fresh ideas – together we’ll find out whether data glasses generate added value for your company.
Workshop content:
- Profound introduction into the topic of data glasses with best practice examples
- Technical possibilities and application scenarios
- Testing of Google Glass and various other data glass solutions
- Collaborative work sessions for generation ideas of how to introduce data glasses in your company
- Assessment and evaluation of ideas
Workshop goals:
- Conveying basic knowledge regarding data glasses
- Jointly developing application scenarios regarding your company’s needs
- Evaluation of the potential regarding the fields of application defined